
admin / 2013.6.14 / 16:17 pm


3.We have licensed expert custom brokers to provide you with professional customs documentations and all transactions concerning the entry and admissibility of merchandise. We are able to handle your clearances for both imported and exported freight.

4.We provide services tailored to our customers' needs providing flexible, time sensitive transportation for virtually any size or weight shipment. We attend to our customers' needs with the utmost professionalism so our customers will save valuable time and reduce cost.

5.We have a resourceful marketing team to help create more business opportunities for our customers.

6.We have a centralized accounting system to help expedite settlement to help make funds readily available for more investment opportunities. 是交通部注册的NVOCC,目前已是MAERSK SEALAND、CSCO、MSC、ZIM、CMA、EVERGREEN、YANGMING、COSCO、LYKES、NORASIA、RCL、SCI、OOCL等十多家船东的指定代理机构,并具备为客户提供陆运、装箱、报关、仓储,等全程监控优质服务的能力。在美国线的运作上,我们具有丰富的经验和强大的实力。我们和多家船东签有服务合同,在美国FMC注册有NVOCC资格,同时具有AMS美国海关传输系统。我司业务员和美国公司业务十分专业,可以为你提供十分周到细致的各种方式运输服务。随着我司将物流业作为重点发展策略的实施,我司货运系统必将更加发展壮大,为出口商、进口商、船东、航空公司等各物流环节提供更加优质的服务和更加广阔的商机。

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