
admin / 2013.7.9 / 16:16 pm

Egypt埃极国际货运 0+

The Company has been involved in international freight forwarding agency service including:canvassing,booking,warehousing,transferring,devanning and removing of containers,insurance,relative short transportation and consultation etc。Depending on her strong competitive power in the line service in the Asia Pacific Region,AN SHANGHAI REEFER CONTAINER FORWARDING CO.,Ltd.is making progress in exploiting other new lines。

With efficient management system and experienced staff,the Company has actively participated in the competition of logistics industy,regarding service and management as of the same signigicance。She commits herself to provide the customers with convenient services of high quality and flexibility,which will conform its further development to the modern logistic tendency。“Mutual Benefit” is our business goal。”Thinking Everything for the Customers” is our business spirit。在中国大陆地区的全资子公司,成立于1998年,于2004年取得一级货运代理资格证书,在大陆地区拥有包括上海,北京,广州,天津,大连,青岛,苏州,宁波等在内的16个分支机构。上海地区拥有员工200余人,近外高桥的集装箱货运站,外高桥的保税仓库,宝山的非保税仓库,浦东机场的保税仓库,EDI电子数据信息交换系统

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