
admin / 2013.9.16 / 15:18 pm

NAPIER海运进口 0+

According to the diverse needs of modern logistics, to provide general cargo customs, trucks, container trailers, and other characteristics, personalized logistics services; Acting general trade customs declaration, inspection, transit and other services, combined with our own, in both Cross-border clearance vehicle resources to enable the general cargo customs clearance of small single business can, and can help customers save operating costs.
Receiving points: Guangzhou Huangpu (most directly from the port directly out from Guangzhou), Shantou, Jiangmen, Zhongshan, Shunde, Yangjiang, Huizhou, Xiamen.
散货拼箱(LCL): 公司提供珠江三角州至世界主要港口、内陆点的散货拼箱服务。并根据客户的需要以及货物的通关难易程度,结合深圳、香港、广州三地海关的具体操作差异,灵活安排拼箱货物的运输和报关,确保客户能够以最低的成本安全送达目的地。

海运进口: 公司通过完善的国外代理网络,为国内进口商提供进口海运服务。根据客户要求,在起运港安排集装箱运输,在国内目的港提供整箱提货、拆箱分拨、报关报检、陆空转运等服务。

门到门服务: 优势服务致力于欧洲各大中小城市,我们可以将货物安全从出口商的仓库送到进口商的仓库。

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