
admin / 2015.10.19 / 15:16 pm

萨尔瓦多港巴西(Brazil) 0+

阿根廷港口(Ports of Argentina) 布兰卡港(Port of Bahia Blanca)
里伐达维亚港(Comodoro Rivadavia) 马德普拉塔港(Mar del Plata Port)
巴拿马港口国家管理局(National Port Authority of Panama)
伊塔日阿伊港(Port of Itajai) 达.马德拉港(Port of Ponta da Madeira)
里奥格兰特港(Port of Rio Grande) 萨尔瓦多港(Port of Salvador)
圣多斯港(Port of Santos) 维多利亚港(Port of Vitoria)我司主要经营海运,空运的进出口货物的国际运输代理业务.公司拥有素质优良经验丰富的专业人员,与我司长期合作的船公司有: HANJIN,YML,HYUNDAI,CSCL,CMA,CNC,万海,EMC等,。特别是在危险品,化工品,特种大件货物运输领域有着丰富的经验,可以安全及时的提供危险品化工品大件货物物流服务。

Shanghai XiangJi international logistics Co., Ltd. is a Grade A comprehensive international forwarding agency approved by the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (former Ministry of Economics and Trade of the People's Republic of China).

The company can undertake all international freight services including: import and export seafreight, airfreight, railway transportation, river transportation, consolidation service, booking, customs, clearance, insurance, warehousing, commodity inspection, and distribution and consulting services.

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