
admin / 2016.1.23 / 12:23 pm

印度CIF 0+

中港运输:目前公司拥有中港吨车,中港拖车,中港冷冻柜车,中港冷冻吨车及特殊车辆60多台, 并在香港、宝安和龙华设立办事处和物流仓库,深圳和香港自有仓库2000平方米, 形成完整的中港包车,拼车,散货快递进出口等完整的中港物流链。

空运:包板航空公司有:沙特航空、印度航空、印尼航空、国航、南航、马来西亚航空等。Trade Service
·Competitive freight rate offered and shipping space guaranteed
·Efficient Communication and personalized services

Major Carrier Partners in Guangzhou air port:
Air China.CA is one of the most competivie airlines in China .Air China offers 162 international networks,295 air routes and 1111 international truck lines all of the world.Air China provides better service and strategic solution mainly to Europe,America,South America and Middle America.

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