
admin / 2016.6.15 / 15:43 pm

广东起步到东京,横滨,神户,大坂 0+

The headquarters of CTS International is located in Shanghai, the international shipping center. It mainly focuses on cross-border comprehensive logistics and supply chain trade services. CTS International, incorporated in Shanghai in 1984, is one of the earliest freight forwarding companies that has the license approved and issued by former Ministry of Commerce, Civil Aviation Administration and General Administration of Customs of PRC. Headquartered in Shanghai, CTS International has a relatively long history with a well-known brand name in the logistics industry.

CTS International has already formed the network and intensive management and development pattern. There are more than 30 sub-institutions all over China’s main ports and economically developed inland cities, as well as Hong Kong, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Frankfurt. The overseas partners with long-term cooperative relationship have been founded in more than 150 countries and regions of the world. Our network covers all major freight processing cities in China and the world. The number of CTS staff has come to 2033 people.

CTS Logistics is an asset-light logistics company. It ranks 7th in top 100 logistics companies in China, includeing all asset-heavy logistics companies and global freight forwarding and logistics companies in China. In many important ports in China, CTS International ranks in the top three in terms of cargo volume been processed per annum. 进口整箱和拼箱海外订舱业务:我司是最早推出该项业务的货代公司之一。公司强大而健全的海外代理网络、完善的分拨进口航线及海关监管分拨仓库,为此业务的发展提供了强有力的保障。

  ☆ 进口整箱 开设来自北美全境,中南美基本港含内陆城市,欧洲,北欧基本港含内陆城市,地中海基本港含内陆城市,东南亚各国, 澳洲各港进口大陆包括香港的集装箱,各类特种箱货物的海外订舱,EX WORKS 的全程联运服务。
  ☆ 进口拼箱 开辟航线如下:
日本东京,横滨,神户,大坂 → 上海
韩国釜山 → 上海
台湾基隆, 高雄, 台中 → 上海
香港 → 上海
新加坡 → 上海
美国洛杉矶, 芝加哥,纽约及其他28个收货站 → 上海
德国汉堡 → 上海
意大利热那亚,米兰 → 上海
北欧哥德堡,奥斯陆,赫尔辛基,哥本哈根 → 上海
澳洲悉尼,墨尔本 → 上海

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