
admin / 2016.12.29 / 9:13 pm

国际沿海海运 0+

主要港口、内陆点至中国主要港口及内陆点的进口货物的定舱和多式联运;承运重大件、散杂货,以及集装箱货的港口接货、分拨、拆箱、整理、配送一关三检等业务,并通过国内铁路、航空、沿海、内河、公路运输和联运等方式直接将货物送抵最终目的地,同时向国外代理和发货人提供货物追踪信息;承接使领馆、外事代表机构、外籍人事等非贸易物品及展品的运输及过境物质的转运。provide customers with import and export goods declaration, inspection, inspection and other services.
Port to provide comprehensive import and export, customs agents, animal and plant quarantine, quarantine, inspection and cargo handling and other services; addition, it also provides off-site through customs and transit services.Charge d'affaires of the application of the tax relief, bonded goods registration and verification, the Free Trade Zone of immigration for the record, import and export goods tax rebate and other services, and procedures for processing registration manual.

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