
admin / 2013.1.8 / 15:59 pm

法国航空公司 0+

Our Air Freight Division provides both domestic and international air freight services to companies of all sizes. All our staffs have extensive experience in air freight operations. We can identify any logistical challenges ahead and provide the best solutions possible.

In order to provide reliable and responsive services to our client, all our staffs are equipped with the latest computer systems that connect to our carriers. We are able to obtain quotations, arrange shipments and track shipment status in real-time.

To ensure cargo space availability and service quality, we have established close business relationships with our key carriers below :

与各大航空公司紧密合作,是多家航空公司的签约代理。如:CA(中国国际航空公司)、KL(荷兰皇家航空)、NH(全日空航空公司)、AF(法国航空公司)、KA (港龙航空公司)、BA(英国航空公司)、MU(东方航空)、LH(汉莎航空)、TG(泰国航空)、OZ(韩亚航空)、CX(国泰航空)、CZ(南方航空);欧洲基本港海运进出口,美东美西各签约航线,日本拼箱整箱一条龙服务;东南亚、中东、非洲等乃至挂衣箱、散杂、滚装船等特种运输。同时在仓储物流方面,具有得天独厚的优势。港龙货代拥有优秀的团队与丰富的经验,在业界内得到了良好的口碑。能够给客户提供具有竞争力的价格与全面的服务,为企业进出口贸易提供切实可行的解决方案。

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