
admin / 2022.1.7 / 7:43 pm

日本,台湾 亚洲的国际货运代理公司 0+

It is well known that Australia has existing Free Trade Agreements (known as FTAs) with a number of countries Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore to name but a few.

An FTA can be defined as a contractual agreement between two or more parties which entitles each other to preferential access within the respective market.

Near on 100% of Australia’s international trade is transported by sea and so Australia’s ports are pivotal in managing Australia’s ever expanding economic success.

水路系统 水路 端口
阿拉伯海地区 7 154
黑海地区 7 72
鄂毕河系统 4 18
长江水系 13 92
叶尼塞河系统 3 6

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